Temperature and humidity sensor for flue cured tobacco

Product description:
HX-GS series of wet and dry bulb temperature and humidity sensors for flue-cured tobacco
Based on the traditional production of flue-cured tobacco special temperature controller and humidity sensor in years, according to the 2009 National Bureau of the latest "bulkcuringbarn specification" requirements, independent research and development, production of special tobacco temperature controller and humidity sensor.
The probes are defined as: upper shed dry ball, upper canopy wet ball, lower shed dry ball and lower shed wet ball.
The sensor main line is 5m long, the upper canopy line length is 2.5m, and the lower canopy line length is 1.5m.
Product features:
1, the United States imported original DS18B20 sensing element;
2. The temperature measurement accuracy is 0.5 ~+85 at -10 centigrade range;
3, exquisite, compact injection molding, a drag two, a drag three;
4 、 sheath design, easy to bind cotton yarn, easy to be stuck in the water bottle.